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Ég fékk tölvupóst um daginn. Ég las hann. Ég gladdist.

Dear Friend,

I am Mr. Tanko Ali Esq, solicitor and personal lawyer to late Mrs. Felicia, a client of mine, who has a servicing firm affiliated with the Electric Authority here in Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire .

My client was awarded a contract worth US$15,600,000.00). Immediately this contract was signed, an initial amount of (US$6.100, 000.00) was paid to her as mobilization fee to kick off the contract. She duly completed this contract pending when her remaining balance of (US$9,500,000.00) will be paid to her. On the 18th April 2005, my client and her two kids were involved in a ghastly boat capsize at Gozac, Unfortunately all the occupants in the boat lost their lives.

Not too long after her untimely death, her outstanding balance of US$9,500,000.00 was approved and deposited in a Bank here in Cote dvoire ; Right now the funds are still floating unclaimed in the suspense account of the offshore correspondence payment centre here.

I have reasoned very professionally and I feel it will be legally proper to present you as the next of kin of my deceased client so that you can be paid the remaining balance of his contract funds left in the Bank. Note that I am offering you this opportunity by contacting you to assist in repatriating the fund and property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or unserviceable by the Bank where this huge deposit were lodged. The National Electric Authority issued me a notice as the Attorney to the deceased to provide the Next of Kin or have the Account
confiscated in a shot period of time since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over a year that I have been searching.

I seek your concept to present you as the Next of Kin or family member to Late Client since you are at an advantage bearing the same surname so that the proceeds of this remaining balance of her contract funds valued at (US$9,500,000.00) can be paid to
you. We shall both share the funds 50% for me while 40% for you and 10% will be for any incurred expenses and for donation to charitable organizations.

I have all the necessary Legal Documents that will be used to back up any claim we may make. All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us see this project through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that
will protect you from any breach of law after the transfer is done, and then you and l can share the fund.

If there is anything you do not understand please try to reach

Best personal regards,
Mr. Tanko (Esq.

Snilld. Kallinn er að fá fullt af pening. Ég get hætt að slá gras og slakað grimmt í allt sumar. Djöfull verður þetta mikil snilld. Líka fáránlega nettur gaur bara e-ð að leggja á sig alla þessa vinnu fyrir mig...Gunnarsson, toppnáungi. Samt alveg leiðinlegt að heyra með frænku mína mrs. Feliciu, örugglega góð gella.

Svo allt einu BAM! Getur þetta verið svindl hugsaði ég með mér ha? Getur það verið...nei, ekki sjens. En til að vera viss þá reyndi ég þessum tölvupósti í gegnum scam-o-matic.com :

Haha, hjúkk, þarna skall hurð nærri hælum. Eins gott að ég setti þetta í gegnum scamomatic.com annars hefði ég verið í vanda, sei sei já.

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